Happy Birthday to Steven VanZandt – Born on November 22, 1950
https://youtu.be/3wdaM2r9F4U Steven Van Zandt talks about his ROCK SCENE https://rockscenemagazine.com/today/steven-vanzandt/
https://youtu.be/3wdaM2r9F4U Steven Van Zandt talks about his ROCK SCENE https://rockscenemagazine.com/today/steven-vanzandt/
Celebrating the birthday of John Lennon each year on Q104.3 FM Breakfast With The Beatles. The Rockit Academy was invited to perform live on air at The Cutting Room NYC October 7, 2017. Hosts, Ken Dashow, Steven Van Zandt and Mark Rivera Legendary radio DJ, Ken Dashow talks about the Rockit Academy " Bruce Gallapani is putting this together its non profit and its scholarships for live music education. I love anything that gets kids playing music with instruments and…
https://youtu.be/CYnTwhibCoE The Coolest Song in the World this week is "Love Again" from Little Steven and the Disciples of Soul!