Tommy Henriksen
For Tommy, listening to ‘The Who’ was his first introduction to music. At 14, he got his first guitar. At the time, Tommy was known as a ‘Rink Rat’. He was on a speed-skating team. The rink had live bands that played. Tommy would help the bands load their equipment, and it’s there where one of them first told to Tommy that he should loss the guitar, learn how to play bass and sing, because there are ‘guitar players on…
Keith Roth
Sirius XM host Keith Roth of Ozzy’s Boneyard & Hair Nation talks about his first musical memories and entering the rock scene. Keith has been with Sirius since 2002 and has been playing guitar in his band Frankenstein 3000 for over twenty years. He recently starred as Jack Ainsely in the award winning film “Let Me Down Hard,” which won both the Asbury Park Music In Film Festival and the Garden State Film Festival in 2016. Frankenstein 3000's new record…
Dave Wyndorf – Monster Magnet Dave Wyndorf - Monster Magnet talks about his "Rock Scene"