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Rockit Academy pays tribute to John Lennon in memory of his life – Born on October 9, 1940
Celebrating the birthday of John Lennon each year on Q104.3 FM Breakfast With The Beatles. The Rockit Academy was invited to perform live on air at The Cutting Room NYC October 7, 2017. Hosts, Ken Dashow, Steven Van Zandt and Mark Rivera
Legendary radio DJ, Ken Dashow talks about the Rockit Academy ” Bruce Gallapani is putting this together its non profit and its scholarships for live music education. I love anything that gets kids playing music with instruments and not just sampling music but creating music”. Little Steven cohosting the show at the Cutting Room with Mark Rivera and Ken speaks out about Rockit Academy ” These kids are about the best i’ve ever seen . My wife Maureen discovered this thing and turned me on to it, my friend Richie Russo is also involved with them and said come on down and check it out. I expected kids to be OK, you want to be encouraging, like you said the kids who are actually playing instruments these days, it’s a miracle. I didn’t expect them to be this good”. Ken introduces the Rockit Academy band by saying live on WNEW FM ” When your friend Little Steven Vanzandt you got to hear these kids play so now live on 104.3 at the Cutting Room, Tori, Rob, Jordan, Mike Jacob and Sam, I’m not even going to tell you what they’re going to sing. Guys it’s yours The Rockit Academy at 104.3.
Check out John Lennon & Yoko studio pics by legendary photographer Bob Gruen in the MARCH 1981 issue of ROCK SCENE magazine