Happy Birthday to Steven VanZandt – Born on November 22, 1950
https://youtu.be/3wdaM2r9F4U Steven Van Zandt talks about his ROCK SCENE https://rockscenemagazine.com/today/steven-vanzandt/
https://youtu.be/3wdaM2r9F4U Steven Van Zandt talks about his ROCK SCENE https://rockscenemagazine.com/today/steven-vanzandt/
https://youtu.be/tiXp8p-OLaU David Ellefson of Megadeth talks about his Rock Scene growing up. https://youtu.be/CFmcWx5nDbM David Ellefson talks about his new band SLEEPING GIANTS with his singer Thom Hazaert. Thom Hazaert and David Ellefson checking out a couple of classic ROCK SCENE magazines. https://rockscenemagazine.com/current-events/thom-hazaert-david-ellefson-talk-about-new-book-and-lp-sleeping-giants/
https://youtu.be/hJRZg_FhUTI https://youtu.be/qay-0ksyuag Quiet Riot - "Picking Up The Pieces"
https://youtu.be/zLkHt9NExwg Glenn Tipton of Judas Priest talks about his ROCK SCENE
I had the pleasure of attending the Asbury Park screening of "Jay and Silent Bob Reboot" at the Paramount Theatre. The perfect place to get lost in cinema among a sold out audience was along for the ride of a raunchy, infectious and sometimes heart felt story. Creativity weaved into the film through comedy are messages of fatherhood, hope, forgiveness, responsibility and being able to accept people for who they are. Let's not forget the occasional dick joke too. The…
Ziggy Marley at the age of 16 at Tuff Gong Studios at his home in Jamaica in 1981 with his first car. https://youtu.be/vR-q0ye_VfA Ziggy Marley looks back on the day his father died Tuff Gong studios in Jamaica - 1981