July 1973 – Issue 3
MEDIA EXPLOITATIONS by Richard Robinson (Creator and Founder of ROCK SCENE Magazine) July 1973 I'm writing this in the Rock Scene offices, surrounded by piles of glossy rock star photos, a jumble of news releases, and enough records for a year's worth of listening. I've just gotten back from London where I saw Gary Glitter shatter the staid reserve of the Palladium Theater with direct, hard-driving rock and roll; and the last few nights in New York City have been full…
May 1973 – issue 2
MEDIA EXPLOITATIONS by Richard Robinson Creator and Founder of ROCK SCENE Magazine (May 1973) London−A good deal of this issue of Rock Scene has been put together in such far-flung places as Paris, London, New York, and Los Angeles. You’ll find a report on Alice Cooper and French rock and roll along with observations on the British rock scene; you’ll see that we’re keeping up with L.A. and San Francisco doings as well as searching out the latest doings in good old…