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May 1973 – issue 2

Creator and Founder of ROCK SCENE Magazine (May 1973) 

London−A good deal of this issue of Rock Scene has been put together in such far-flung places as Paris, London, New York, and Los Angeles. You’ll find a report on Alice Cooper and French rock and roll along with observations on the British rock scene; you’ll see that we’re keeping up with L.A. and San Francisco doings as well as searching out the latest doings in good old New York. It’s rather remarkable that rock can thrive in so many places simultaneously. Each city across the U.S. and Europe has something to offer the rock fan, some sign that popular music is at once personal and universal. I’ve been on the road (or in the air) a good deal over the past few months−watching young people dance the night away in Paris disco clubs, sitting in the middle of David Bowie pandemonium in New York theaters, traveling to London suburbs to see Roxy Music play. And everywhere it has all been the same in a way for the music has always been good, the people have all been set on having their own version of a good time, and the concept that any of us can be too far apart has been very difficult to deal with. Governments and their politics sort of fade away into some sub-human form of existence that has neither the energy nor the vitality of a rock event−passport controls and customs and all those laws to rule the people disappear once everyone agrees as to what they’re into, no matter how difficult it may be for any of them to agree as to exactly what their version of it is.

As you can probably see if this is the second issue of Rock Scene that you’re reading, this magazine is slowly developing a life and form of it’s own. I am the editor so I do have some little idea of what the magazine is trying to be, but like the music, Rock Scene has many elements both universal and personal. I’m not trying to make a big deal about the fact that our contents comes from everywhere that rock is happening, that is an accepted matter of fact for those of us who are working on the magazine every issue. But I am trying to point out that there are no boundaries for what we put in the magazine, which can be both exciting and a little dismaying at the same time.

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