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Ted Poley of DANGER DANGER Danger Danger singer Ted Poley actually got his start in music as a drummer. He would beat on pillows around his bedroom with drum sticks, and eventually he sold his baseball card collection and bought himself a drum set. The first band in which he really established himself as a drummer was Prophet. After singing during a sound check at a gig in Brooklyn, he was approached by bassist Bruno Ravel. He was asked to be the singer for…

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BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN MAKES SURPRISE RETURN at LIGHT OF DAY WINTERFEST 20TH ANNIVERSARY at The Paramount Theatre in Asbury Park, New Jersey on January 19, 2020

    Bruce and Bob having an onstage moment Willie Nile, Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers and the Boss Bruce  sharing the stage with photographer and musician Danny Clinch Bruce and Joe closes out the show with  Light Of Day  ASBURY PARK, NJ (Jan. 19, 2019) – After five years away, Bruce SPringsteen returned home to LIGHT OF DAY WINTERFEST last night in grand style to help “The Festival That Bruce Built” celebrate its 20th anniversary with his 12thsurprise…

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