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Bernard Fowler (background singer for the Rolling Stones)

Bernard Fowler performing “INSIDE OUT” at the Jazz Standard in NYC on August 7, 2019




Bernard Fowler proudly displaying a couple of classic ROCK SCENE from the 70’s magazines featuring a couple of his buddies.

Get  Bernard Fowler’s  “INSIDE OUT”  here and check out Bernard Fowler’s cool website here

Listen to “Sympathy to the Devil” from Bernard Fowler’s 2019 release “INSIDE OUT” a unique and diverse interpretation of The Rolling Stones lyrics, sharing new meaning  of the genius of the Glimmer Twins songs.

Bernard Fowler performs “Sympathy for the Devil” during the 2013 “MISS YOU” tour

After working on Mick Jager’s solo album in London, Bernard  joined the band Tackhead. Check out his performance live: ‘Mind and Movement Control’.

The Rolling Stones – NO FILTER TOUR – July 23, 2019

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