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Leaving Eden

Eve from Leaving Eden Boston MA USA talks about how she started, her influences and where she’s been.  Directed by Mark Weiss. Leaving Eden and Mark Weiss get together with his Rock Scene Magazine. Eve; “Lot’s of people think touring is glamorous, not with a bunch of guys!” “Performing is my drug of choice!”

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“Excuse Me” by Cocktail Slippers JULY 21, 2018

“Coolest Conversations” can be heard every Friday on the Mighty Manfred program. It’s that series of interviews with artists who have earned themselves a “Coolest Song In The World” designation. This week, Manfred’s guest is Rocket Queen from the Cocktail Slippers. A longtime favorite here on SiriusXM 21, those intoxicating Nordic nymphs are back with a brand new single “Excuse Me” available from Wicked Cool Records. Of course, it’s this week’s COOLEST SONG...
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Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of the Street Survivors Farewell 2018 Tour

  Lynyrd Skynyrd performs at the PNC Art Center in Holmdel, New Jersey on June 22, 2018 Check out this video of Travelin' Man that was released in 1997.  Lynyrd Skynyrd records a studio  version with his brother Ronnie's live performance from the 70's. They performed it live where Ronnie's brother Johnny sings together to this video.

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Rock Scene Mission Statement

The first issue of Rock Scene came out in March, 1973. To celebrate the legendary magazine, I will post complete issues on the anniversary month of their original publication dates. There will be.........
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Cherry Vanilla interviews David Bowie

Rock Groupie Cherry Vanilla interviews David Bowie in 1973 "It’s kind of sweet, because you can hear how young and shy we are.." Cherry Vanilla CV - Do you feel removed from the body and the feel that you create on the planet? DB - Until I'm performing or writing I mainly feel pretty much like an empty vessel. I don't particulary feel.....Period. CV - Some people feel by saying you're bi-sexual your kind of flaunting that in a way. DB…

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Russell Harty interviews David Bowie

David Bowie talks to Russell Harty RH - What does David Bowie think about David Bowie? DB - I find that I'm a person who can take on the guises of different people that I meet.  I can switch accents in seconds of meeting somebody and I can adopt their accent.  I've always found that I collect, Im a collector.  I've always just seemed to collect personalities, ideas, I have a hodge-podge philosophy which really is very minimal. RH -…

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Alice Cooper Interview

A softer side of Alice Cooper is seen in this interview with Finnish National Television in 1973. “I can’t be Alice all the time because he’s a little bit too dangerous” he says. He talks about the importance of the theatrics in their stage show. “You have to put a little icing on the cake, and get up there and do a show for the kids.”   (YouTube) ALICE NEVER ORDINARY  "My parents really like this whole thing though; my mom…

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